Grid Capacity: simulate your connection to the distribution network, in just a few minutes

Grid connection is an operational and financial risk factor for renewable energy project developers.

Control the risk with Grid Capacity!

“I have a good potential site for 3 MW of photovoltaics, but it's a bit far from the grid... How much will it cost to connect it?”"I've found land to develop a 3MW project and want to free myself from the risks of connection""My 4MW project is falling through because of the connection costs, and I'd like to look at the connection options to propose an alternative solution."

Grid Capacity:
The challenges of POWER network connection

Prospect effectively by targeting favorable areas from a grid perspective

Arbitrate between favourable and risky opportunities in terms of connection costs and economic viability

Improve cost estimations when responding to tender

Optimize your grid connection requests to maximize the return on investment of the installation:

module and inverter sizing, use of reactive power regulation, etc.

Find out more about the local characteristics of the grid in order to better understand the Distribution System Operator's connection proposals and facilitate exchanges.


All calculation assumptions are available and can be modified for transparent interpretation.


Explore as many connection solutions as you like, at your convenience.


Your estimation is available in just a few minutes!

Open data for the development of renewable energies

Grid Capacity brings together all open data relating to the public electricity distribution network for most of mainland France, in a single, simple and intuitive web interface.

Pictogramme représentant un réseau de distribution moyenne tension et deux postes de transformation moyenne tension / basse tension

Network structure

Primary substations, MV feeders, secondary substations, LV feeders...

Pictogramme d'une installation de production d'énergie renouvelable

Consumption and production

View grid injection and extraction points

Pictogramme d'un poste-source ou poste de transformation primaire

Primary Substations hosting capacities

Find Caparéseau data directly in the interface!

Our data sources

All data used by Grid Capacity are published under an open Etalab licence


  • “Admin Express” database
  • “Contours IRIS” database


  • “Postes électriques RTE” database
  • “Registre national des installations de production d’électricité et de stockage” database
  • “Postes Source et Postes de Répartition HTA/HTA” database

Agence ORE

  • “Lignes souterraines moyenne tension (HTA)” database
  • “Lignes aériennes moyenne tension (HTA)” database
  • “Postes Source et Postes de Répartition HTA/HTA” database
  • “Postes de distribution publique (postes HTA/BT)” database
  • “Consommation et thermosensibilité électriques par secteur d’activité à la maille IRIS” database


  • Primary substation database


Electrical situation and grid capacities

Identify at a glance areas suitable for integrating production facilities

Capture du logiciel Grid Capacity, avec une visualisation des capacités d'accueil de nouvelles installations de production d'énergie renouvelable du réseau public de distribution

Constraints analysis

In just a few clicks, simulate the connection of an additional installation and analyze the risk of voltage or current stress.

Automated connection solution

Evaluate the extent of any grid reinforcements required for the connection of your facility


Integrate a layer of the grid along with its hosting capacities into your GIS with GeoPackage format exports.

Geographical coverage

Grid Capacity is now available for most of mainland France. Interested in another geographical area? Let us know!

Are you a student or researcher who would like to use our grid model for teaching or research purposes? We’ll be happy to make it available! Contact us for more information!

I would like a demo & a free trial